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Buddhist Societies of   California  USA

 With 39 Clips  

1.) Moving 3,000 lb Sandstone Buddha Image

2.) Fearless Mountain

3.) Songkran 2016 Pindabat

4.)  Songkron 2020 at Abhayagiri

5.) 2019 Abhayagiri Kaṭhina

6.) Sāmaṇera Jotimanto Bhikkhu Ordination | Abhayagiri Sangha

7.) 2019 Abhayagiri Kaṭhina

8.)Wisdom and Compassion Conference | Ajahn Pasanno

9.) Asalha Puja 2019: Buddha's First Teaching | Ajahn Pasanno

10.) Ordinations Ceremony

11.) Anagārika Nicholas's Sāmaṇera Ordination | Abhayagiri Sangha

12.) 70th Birthday: Our Relationship to Time and Refuge | Ajahn Pasanno 

13.) Ajahn Pasanno's Birthday Celebration and Recognition of Chao Khun Title | Ajahn Pasanno

14.) Asalha Puja: Considering the Five and Eight Precepts | Ajahn Pasanno

15.) UN Special Commemorating Event on Vesak 2016 | Luang Por Pasanno

15.) The Purpose of Truth (Thai and English) | Luang Por Pasanno

16.) Feedback and Forgiveness | Ajahn Amaro

17.) Anagarika Ordination of Danskey and Nick

18.) Commitment, Determination, and Growing Pains | Ajahn Achalo

19.) Enjoy | Ajahn Jayasaro

20.) A Shared Dedication to the Dhamma Vinaya | Rev. Heng Sure

21.) The Peace Beyond Likes and Dislikes | Luang Por Liem

22.) The Receptive Quality & The Natural Stillness | Luang Por Viradhammo

23.) No Need to Add Suffering to What Already Exists | Ajahn Kongrit

24.) Luang Por Pasanno Taking Leave Ceremony

25.) A Happiness Free from Conceit | Luang Por Jundee

26.) Going Away Ceremony for Upāsikā Beth

27.) Songkran 2018-The Spirit of Renewal

28.) The Bhikkhu Ordination of Sāmaṇeras Guṇavīro and Tissaro 

29.) Anagārika Ordination for Matt | Ajahn Pasanno

30.) The Khandas are not Self | Venerable Ajahn Pasanno

31.) Awaken to Reality | Luang Por Sumedho

32.) Bhikkhu Ordination of Tan Sampanno and Tan Suddhiko

33.) Reflections on 41 years with Kittisāro, and Ṭhānissarā's Q&A | Luang Por Sumedho

34.) Abhayagiri New Buddha Image Consecration Ceremony (Saturday)

35.) Abhayagiri Monastery 20th Year Anniversary Talks | Ajahn Amaro

36.) Abhayagiri Monastery 20th Year Anniversary Talks: Ajahn Maha Prasert

37.) Abhayagiri Monastery 20th Year Anniversary Talks: Father Damien

38.) Jeff, Dorian, Hector Anagārika Ordination (Part 1)

39.) Luang Por Pasanno Chao Khun Mudita Ceremony

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